
University of enterprise management which subjects

  1. Marxist Philosophy (0001)
  2. Deng Xiaoping Theory (0002)
  3. And the legal basis for the ideological and moral cultivation (0003)
  4. Political Economics (Financial) (0009)
  5. Higher Mathematics (1) (0020)
  6. University of Languages (E) (0010)
  7. Computer Application Foundation (0018)
  8. Computer Application Foundation (practice) (0019)
  9. Basis of accounting (0041)
  10. An Introduction to the national economy statistics (0065)
  11. Economic Law Studies (FS) (0043)
  12. Enterprise Management Studies (0144)
  13. International Business Management (0148)
  14. Production and operations management (0145)
  15. Marketing (0058)
  16. Human resources management (a) (0147)
  17. Enterprise Accounting (0055)
  18. China's tax system (0146)