As the pump performance management system is a problem. Therefore, it can not be descriptive, stop the. This requires from all sources together start from the overall system level to solve.
First, from the conceptual level, in order to the following areas:
To fill the vacancy in place: From the company level, the most important is to improve the standards, clear lines of responsibility, which is responsible for the functional departments, which is responsible for the competent from a straight line, each of the two sides in charge of to what extent. What is the result of the violation of incentive measures. With a radius of the rules only through the establishment of the establishment, from the source to solve this problem.
To overrun the returns: The main functions of the staff is changing concepts. Reduce the functional departments and supervision departments is the power of thinking, right in the head. By strengthening services to various business sectors to provide counselling and support to handle business-led sector of the common problems encountered in support of various business units work effectively carry out the work.
Dislocation to the front view: most competent to do is change their role, strengthening management responsibilities. To the departments responsible for the overall operation. Not only to personal business standards is more important to set standards for business team, under the charge of the use of the hand to complete the task, rather than a glittering, a lone hero bile.
Secondly, measures levels to achieve the following areas:
Staff training: As everyone knows, the establishment of rules and regulations easy to change people's concepts difficult. As many enterprises over the years there have been assessing the pump, many people have long been accustomed to this, many parties and the staff did not realize their mistakes. Therefore, training on the pump to change this situation is essential, especially in the enterprise's senior management staff and to change. This requires the design of the corresponding training courses, such as: understanding the role of managers, line manager of human resources management, management skills upgrading, and so on. Training through a variety of forms, such as: Open training, newspapers, websites, Board Index so that people realize that the original wrong ideas and practices, at the same time, but also teach them the correct method of implementation, so that they know they should do .
Job analysis: The job of forming a staff position statement, specifying each person should do. As a straight-line managers, must be fully responsible for the management of the department, in addition to identify sectoral objectives, but also clearly pointed out that his subordinates have the guidance and supervision, training, assessment of responsibility. Wan Bucheng under the mandate, to take charge of dereliction of duty jointly and severally liable. From the written and sort out the system in charge of the responsibility.
Organizational structure carding: combing through the organizational structure design, the functional departments and business functions clearly defined functions, a clear Zequan Li relations. General principle is: the main functions from the coordination of supervision and support services, the company-level examination of a major event, focusing on pre-and post-processing, the inspection is to comply with all the common system. And business management staff is in charge of professional duties. Heads of departments responsible for the business under the core functions and objectives of the implementation of inspection and supervision. Departments also need to work day-to-day responsibility for a straight line.
The establishment of evaluation: assessment, can effectively change the pump status of the two-tier Paper. So that employees in accordance with the hope that the business direction. Evaluation indicators in the design, not only for a specific line of business indicators, but also a corresponding staff training targets, and under the related indicators, pass indicators to managers and employees firmly tied. Functional departments have the appropriate performance targets, indicators of business support, employee satisfaction indicators, from the business services sector in the assessment, so the sense of service functions will be greatly enhanced.
The sharing of responsibilities, such as quality, technology, staff turnover rate, and other indicators, a straight line and functions of the competent departments have the responsibility of management, the need for shared responsibility, according to the two sides bear in the proportion of indicators in the design to design the appropriate weight . With this common goal, forcing a straight line and functional departments in charge of all staff from the overall situation, a comprehensive point of view the problem. At the same time, Wan Bucheng are subject to punishment, but also to force the two sides bid farewell to the original confrontation, to sit down and discuss ideas to solve the problem, the two sides on the same front.
In the evaluation process, according to who ordered who to implement the principle of assessment. Specifically, the straight-line issued to staff in charge of indicators, and to complete the results of the examination staff, examination results and feedback functions. And functional departments need to identify the company's overall assessment of the principles and standards, training staff how the assessment, the department summary examination results, feedback examination results to the company decision-making. In this way, a straight line under the charge of the responsibilities and goals can be effective supervision and according to its lack of counselling and training to become a real manager. The functions of departmental staff to avoid the embarrassment of laymen experts inspect the situation, assessment and management on emerging from a two-tier Paper.
Incentives: Incentive policies are essential, material incentives such as pay, incentives and penalties honor the terms, these measures should be closely linked with the examination results, so that more employees to change their behavior, suitable for enterprise development. Liang Zhangpi further into the pump of a skin.
The pump performance management issues, on the one hand is clearly not the cause, but the building of systems and enterprises, departments, functions and role of the lack of staff and the mistakes have a relationship.
Absent a company rules and regulations: a pump enterprises, often do not have the right to select the perfect delineation of the specific provisions of various departments to do » Each of the employees do. The staff has done Haoyubuhao, lack of appropriate reward and punishment mechanism of incentives. At the same time, the lack of effective training to employees understand their roles and are familiar with their job responsibilities. At the enterprise level so there is no systematic planning, the staff of their role of the natural unclear. The necessary checks should have, but the day-to-day supervision and not a substitute for objective assessment, by one mark to manage the enterprise, the results because the standards are not unified, the main examination of the chaos, too much emotional authority of the staff of enterprises lose confidence. Therefore, the enterprise system is the result of the absence of the root causes of CPB.
There offside management functions: as a functional departments, supervision and services is the focus of its work, including services to more than regulatory functions, in general, through the functional departments in charge of the supervision and inspection and ancillary services, to the staff towards The company expects the direction of efforts, rather than the more Cudai Pao, for examination to the competent management staff. But very often, the functional departments of the supervisors in their positioning, constantly improving management, but rarely for business development services. Functional departments should not have done a lot to do, do not, have done bad things. And really should not do a good job in regulatory matters, such as the establishment of rules, such as preventing the problem. At the same time, because of all the staff inspection workload too much, causing functional departments continue to expand scale and the bodies bloated and full redundancy.
Linear competent role in the wrong: many competent and no real understanding of their roles, is still at the level of work, busy with their work well. The results should not be authorized to work a free hand to others, such as: staff assessment, incentives, etc.. These can best reflect the duties as a director. Many do not think the department in charge of issues such as: quality, safety, performance, and so is their subordinates should be responsible. In fact, many enterprises in charge of the work and the work of their subordinates do not have much relevance, the two are not even ride sector, the peak of. As many head straight from the business is the backbone technology in the promotion of top-notch, and so on to those in charge of studying business, busy with the fire, even under the difficult problem to solve for fun. At the same time, the business sector as a whole slow progress, even in the busy and competent staff to look at the situation.
Assessing priorities: As the staff of the functional departments of the business sector are not familiar with concrete work, the results of their inspection of the rules and regulations more performance, entrusted by the higher level of temporary work is completed, such as how, if done on time, on a trip. Thus, instead of the appraisal inspection. As for the core functions and objectives of how to do » No target . How effective . Then nothing, because they target the content issued a straight line for more clearly.
In this way, the only visible inspection, do not see the check. Furthermore, employees leave early, and so late and meticulous tip became the focus of examination, and to dilute the core functions of the enemy, the ultimate staff Lvzhi performance, goals can not reach a timely evaluation of the situation, good or bad performance rewards and punishments are not reasonable, let alone improve Upgraded. Members of the examination results of complaint, the more the confusion assessment, corporate performance Shangbu Qu, performance appraisal has become an empty talk.
Internal friction surge in business: This artificial pump, causing the functional departments and business units of great contradictions, director of business functions that too many inspections, to the department asking for trouble, that they always help the functional departments busy. And functional departments also complained that business with department heads do not work. Once there are problems, the two sides are accusing each other prevarication, the issue onto the other side. Lead to many problems can not find those responsible, protracted, such as quality problems, delayed payment of goods problems, staff turnover problems, seriously affecting the operation of enterprises.
Managers into sales: Given the assessment pool to the functional departments in charge of straight-line loss of a core management function, they also lack the management of enthusiasm, a sense of responsibility has gradually fade away, Shijianyizhang on by managers has become the front line Clerk. They are not under the management, not responsible for the outcome, let matters drift. Moreover, not a long time management, in charge of the management of these skills will weaken, the management will not slowly.
Unhealthy cultural formation: As the inspection and appraisal are usually linked to reward and punishment, Gao Buhao have to sinners, in order to function less Shudi staff, often taking the doctrine of the mean. To the rule of man rather than the rule of law, do not make as long as the principle, the wrong direction, the general staff appraisal can be a good, Lao Haoren has become the biggest beneficiaries, the company formed a inertia, the lack of responsibility for culture. Performance appraisal has become superficial, for gifted Correctional inferior role can not be realized.
Many enterprises are often the performance appraisal in such a situation: business objectives of the evaluation by the staff in charge of a straight line to order, and staff objectives of the day-to-day work, by the completion of functional departments to check the assessment, such as Qi Guanbu, office. And the corporate functions to the end, manager of the results to departments.
In this way, it is a full responsibility for the line manager, from planning, implementation, examination, enhance the integrity of performance management system, but now they are broken into two half. In this way, functional departments often will Gesanchawu to Below the business sector staff to check the implementation of the objectives, to the performance evaluation of staff performance points, and lost a straight line for inspection appraisal rights, they also just completed its task on万事大吉, The subordinate staff performance and improve turning a blind eye. You check your, I dry my, assessment and management of a two-tier Paper, which is the pump business performance management.
Enterprise performance appraisal often see: business objectives of the evaluation by the staff in charge of a straight line to order, and staff objectives of the day-to-day work, by the completion of a number of functional departments to check the assessment, performance management of such enterprises is how to form the pump » And how to solve it.
Enterprise management transparent strategy: Let each employee understand the future direction of enterprise, understand the true meaning of corporate strategy, companies expect employees to understand the behaviour of such employees aware of their companies in the implementation of the objectives, tasks, it will not And the deviation from corporate strategy. In the course of the implementation of goals also will be able to automatically correct their behaviour in line with corporate norms, and not just Maitou pull cars, do not look at the rise of road.
The culture of communication: the formulation and implementation of goals, needs a lot of communication, information sharing, including about communication, up and down the communication and leadership with all the communication and so on.
Company-wide goal, to develop and decomposition, horizontal target sector coordination, management and decision-making needs of the company held meetings to determine, through the chiefs of the strategic tasks set out by the competent departments at all levels of participation, so that managers at all levels, the direction of the company's goals more clearly. During the meeting at the same time can listen to the other departments of this sector of the views and demands, timely amendments to their goals. And sectoral objectives of decomposition, the needs of lower-level discussions the two sides, fully listen to each other's views, the two sides agree and then sign it.
A lot of training: through training, so that we recognize that target system is a system throughout the company to consider a move. Not only depend on the results, but also a crucial step. At the same time, let everyone have the specific goal of decomposition methods and steps to ensure that this goal will not aliasing decomposition.
Staff controlled decomposition goal: to head for the entire department responsible for the performance, so departments can directly control the target, mainly by the competent commitment, such as sales, production, technology development, such as the number of projects.
The goal of decomposition process, is the pressure of the transfer process, the competent subordinates to find a focus on the goals of the contact, rather than by one person to carry, under no pressure. In charge of the need to examine the role of each, and then identify with these goals, their commitment is the ratio of the number. So as to achieve goals through decomposition from top to bottom, the wrong position. If competent to complete the new product sales, sales staff can not be in the old products. Of course, some of the higher level of the various needs of the lower levels to support, such as improving staff skills objectives, we need the backbone business objectives and corresponding training, marketing desk a corresponding training support objectives.
At the same time, personal goal is to target the higher level of refinement and further extension of goal decomposition, should these details, matching measures are identified so that the lower level of support can be more effective at higher levels to achieve objectives. If a sales marketing manager, then the region must improve regional market manager of sales and increase customer satisfaction and business representatives must complete the specific request in sales, customer development, reduce customer complaints and other targets.
On the other hand, must grasp the objective of decomposition staff can control. Such as: profitability goals, marketing manager usually is not completely around, and it involves the cost of management, procurement, production costs, which can only general manager in charge. And sales, gross margin, is the marketing manager can directly control. Similarly, prompt delivery rate because it involves the production, research and development, quality, procurement and other areas, the production manager can not directly about, but should be the goal of their superiors.
Decomposition can affect goals (see table 3): We took the key personnel turnover rate this as an example on how to determine responsibilities under the relevant persons responsible for the decomposition process. As noted above, this goal has in each department, Human Resources functions mainly involve strokes, education, employment, people's organizations design and implementation of the system, so this objective mainly by the Human Resources Manager is responsible for. Continue down decomposition, strokes, educating people, keep people, there is recruitment, training, performance, salaries and other correspondence Commissioner responsible for, goals can be decomposed to all staff on.
In addition to the various departments in charge of key objectives, we must also assume management responsibilities, he has to train people (professional training or mentoring), affiliated to the evaluation (performance interviews, communication exchange), responsible for the performance of their subordinates. These efforts could serve as the loss of key personnel of the course goals, objectives enshrined in charge of the management card, of course, some of these goals can be decomposed (such as staff training), while the vast majority is required for direct commitment.
Sector controlled decomposition of goals: the key functions from the departments start with the goal of decomposition to the company and the relevant departments. Such as: sales of decomposition to the marketing, production targets decomposition to the Production Department. These goals are the corresponding departments of the key only, the departments can directly control, thus the sector is the key performance targets.
Sector can affect decomposition goals: For instance, staff turnover rate goals, quality goals, reduce administrative costs, these goals requires two or even to the decomposition of various departments. First of all departments need to seriously examine the functions, look at the work of departments have no such content. Another example: product quality goals, Production Department, the Department has this quality of the corresponding functions, so the goal from the two departments share the responsibility. And then determine the departments commitment to this objective in what kind of responsibility. Specifically, the functions of various departments under the focus to determine the weight distribution. Another example: the loss of key personnel rate target, not only is Human Resources Manager of things, is a straight line for more responsibility. If the company faces the loss of the general staff, then the Human Resources Department to bear the main responsibility if the individual departments is a serious loss of staff, then the person in charge of this sector will bear the primary responsibility. This line can be in charge of the entire sector performance, overall responsibility for management personnel.
To identify good companies to target decomposition departments, require all departments to horizontal objectives related to customer-centric.
The so-called horizontal clearance is the target to implement the various departments, various departments also need to determine whether the goal of achieving about the association, the same direction, as well as mutual support and cooperation (see table 2). If the various departments of conflict between the objectives of fighting around the crash, causing serious internal friction, it is a failure of decomposition.
To achieve horizontal association, on the need to be customer-centric. Customer demand is the goal, linked business requirements of the downstream sector what kind of services, the upstream sector should provide the appropriate services. Because sales are the source of corporate profits, which is mainly borne by the marketing department. Therefore the goal of marketing value, quality of work and time into other departments on joint development of the main objectives of the benchmark. Production of the plan, the quality of research and development goals must be in line with the marketing department. And the business sector demand is the functional departments of the main basis for the formulation departments. Such as: to increase staff efficiency, it needs human resources of business to provide high-quality training to retain big clients, the financial sector on the need to provide the corresponding period of delay account services and the corresponding funding.
Decomposition of the company's total core objective is to find the key elements of strategic objectives to find the key support factors. Top-down system using the best method of thinking, start with the ultimate goal, identify the path to achieve what needs to do what specific things can we guarantee its implementation. At the same time ascertain the existing What is the biggest short-board, to overcome its ways and means what?
Find support elements called for the full, seek the greatest possible number of relevant factors, until exhausted so far. At the same time, not only to find out dominant factor, but also to identify its support behind the hidden elements, to identify their intrinsic association.
Business goals of the find after a number of support elements, according to the importance of sort. This decomposition of the overall goal to put a lot of content, such as: revenue growth, profit growth in the target market, and in order to create and maintain the manpower required for expected growth and investment and related hardware and software and supporting facilities, so as to form the company level Target system.
Take a company's overall objectives, in order to boost profits, the need to increase sales, and increase the amount of sales on the need to improve customer satisfaction, speed up enterprise product development cycle, and to do it, it must be related to customer information , Related support staff training, the new database and information system, and organizational structure, pay incentives, such as from organizations and mechanisms to achieve the target system to provide the ultimate protection. In this way, we can make use of various dimensions definition of decomposition of the strategic objectives of the enterprise (see table 1).
Through the objectives of the decomposition, the business sector not only have a clear goal and the business sector in its support functions from the goal of the company's total decomposition goal down. If profits on the strict requirements of the financial sector enterprises of various non-operating expenses, and improve the organizational processes, the establishment of enterprises pay incentive mechanism has become the most crucial task of human resources objectives.
Business goals and objectives are controlled could affect the sub-goals. Controlled goal is through the efforts of departments or personnel can achieve; can affect goal is through the efforts of staff, which affected only part of which can not achieve all these goals usually require a number of departments or personnel commitment is The difficult goal of decomposition. We need officers from the department functions and responsibilities start to distinguish between what is controllable goals and objectives can be affected, respectively, to take a different method of decomposition. Concrete can take three-step approach to implementation.
A decline in corporate profits in the year, so this year we will set strategic goals: enhance corporate profits. Business manager, regional manager, business representatives in accordance with the overall goals of the decomposition.
Marketing manager, said: company profits should be the main source of new products A, the main recent decision to push the product, rather than the old products B. In his view, has just published a product A product to promote more challenging, and easily distanced themselves from competitors, if the promotion of good, but also can enhance the prestige of their own in the company. Therefore, he will mainly target: to complete 10 million profit, is the means to achieve Featured Products A.
Regional managers think: to promote products A, now conditions are not yet available, there are certain difficulties, both sales and product B quickly, so have profits Featured Products B should be completed as the primary means of profit. So he set himself the goal: to complete profit 2000000, is the main means of pushing products B.
Business representatives also have their own ideas: to promote their products have long been Qingjushulu C, customers have found this product, remittance easy, with good prize money, promotion of A, B bother energy products is likely费力不讨好. Business representatives also set a goal for himself: to profit 300,000, is the main means of pushing products C.
A company of the problem is obvious: a target enterprises from top to bottom obvious inconsistencies, the company's strategy in the process of decomposition convey layers of deviation, in the wrong, out of touch, to a sales representative at this level has been seriously distorted, greatly deviated from the company's strategy.
There is also a common situation in the B Company. Production will be the main target: the completion of production tasks to ensure production quality. Production Manager said: Preparation of new products will affect the production task is completed, resulting in loss. So while Tuantuan very anxious to research and development, or research and development of new products will be put to put to complete their task repeat. The Finance Department's main objectives are: to ensure financial security. Finance Manager, in order to achieve this goal, advances to customers accounts from the 90-day period shortened to 60 days, although the marketing manager for this quarrel with him, tell him this will cause the risk of loss of major clients, but in the eyes of the Finance Manager Completion of their goals was the first of.
Company B of the Production Department, the Ministry of Finance although the two managers have completed the goal, but at the expense of other departments to achieve the goal of price. Overall, they are not qualified. But they are not wrong, but in the entire company's goal of the lack of systematic consideration. Although efforts have so staff, but not strong to make one, their overall goal remains Wanbu Cheng.
In the target decomposition process, in addition to the above, "the staff horizontal direction inconsistent" and "corporate strategic objectives and staff do not coherent" two aspects, there are many problems plaguing businesses, such as whether the real objective of the strategy is a key element of support » Several departments have the shared goal of how decomposition » Decomposition of the goal, the staff can control.
The value of the company's strategy is not his brilliant, but in the realization. If the employee only Maitou pull cars, rather than see the rise of road, it is impossible to achieve corporate objectives and from top to bottom through the company's strategy, the strategy will lose the most basic meaning.
Functional departments of the target goal is to quantify the management of difficult, because many of the functional departments to work with the naked eye observation. How to design quantifiable, measurable goals functional departments » Here, we quantify the functional departments of the 4321 Law on target to the readers, want to give more business to inspire.
Many enterprises are often subjected to hand "duck" was missing from the dilemma, the notice of appointment, candidates do not. Another frequent situation is that the candidates go to work soon on the left disappointed.
The reason why such a conclusion is mainly ignored in the recruitment of candidates are also interviewing the details of the company. As the social competition and incentive, the difficulty in finding jobs, many jobs there oversupply situation, the majority of enterprise management personnel, will interview that the health staff job-seekers hand power to kill, not what is difficult to recruit. So the impact on the recruitment of candidates chosen were not sufficient attention. Such as: low quality of personnel interviews, no interviews places clean and tidy, inadequate preparation for interviews, interviews, etc. are not professional quality of interviews with important influence.
In addition, exaggerated the performance of enterprises and development prospects, high commitment to job-seekers (such as: salary, housing, training, etc.), or deliberately concealed some of the negative information (such as: regular overtime / deduction of wages, etc.) is the practice of some, , And other business talents to join the team found that this is not one thing, have taken the feeling of being cheated, it will begin to complain or even Batui left.
Recruitment is a two-way choice, not wishful thinking, recruitment companies can choose their favorite target, candidates have the right to choose their favorite companies. And the outstanding job seekers may be faced with several companies, have ample opportunity to choose. The whole recruitment process, the enterprise or as long as there is a link to details of a candidate (especially good candidates) feel that this enterprise "is not the case," will allow them to give up the idea of enterprises. Therefore, good recruitment should be 50 percent in assessing job-seekers, 50 percent of job seekers to sell the company. To make their own enterprises in many other competitors emerge, we must characteristics, in many details to work hard.
Recruitment advertisements: many enterprises do not pay attention to details of recruitment advertisements. Such as: "the company preferential treatment" and "provide a broad development space," so empty that general staff will bring confusion, many of the right calibre may be hesitant in giving up. "Provide preferential treatment", it would be better to say this: post 3-10 million annual salary that is representative of the 30,000 qualified personnel for positions treatment, 100,000 on behalf of very good capacity and performance can achieve the standards. "Provide room for development" should read: induction training, vocational training, management training, and improve the system of career, vocational counselling. This will allow candidates feel that the professional and reliable.
Interview process: the whole interview process, so that candidates must have a good feeling. To ensure that the interview before the reception, as well as interviews sincere attitude and friendly. Phone, reception, and other areas to standardize terminology and procedures. Interviews at the end to have a clear treatment measures. Many multinational companies, at the end of face-to Lapin who will normally be to thank the phone or letter, reflects the good corporate image and professional standards.
Interview staff a good behaviour, after professional training, including the Human Resources Department staff and personnel in charge of a straight line, and so on. Interview the language, action and other steps must be strict, standardized, and demonstrated a high standard of professionalism. Interview staff indecent behavior, arrogant attitude, the problem is not superficial or even the whole appearance, and so on, are easy to be candidates Kanbian.
Interviews: interviews should be frank each other, to the candidates true, complete the job information. Clearly inform business strategic goals, how to carry out the work posts, posts career, and so, what are the hidden factors, such as overtime / travel. The more detailed the introduction, officers entered the business after the stability of the greater. This applicants equivalent to a "vaccine", he found that negative situation would not have much adverse reaction. So that candidates can also self-selection, if he understood the real situation of the enterprises are not satisfied with after that, able to withdraw from the recruitment process.
In short, the details of the success or failure is determined by recruitment. Enterprises must draw enough attention, only pay full attention to the recruitment of all the details, enterprises can be effective to import talented people customs, the introduction of the right calibre.
In interviews, some people have really good performance, not only the "hardware" qualified, "software" seems to be pretty good. Candidates deal with problems, analyze issues in an orderly manner, Toutoushidao, or even case-story one after another. The bills come in after being genuine, but he found the actual performance and interview performance are very far.
This is mainly because, interview candidates behind in the understanding of the key details of information do not. Listen to interview the candidates in excess of one side of speech, their actual ability to work, enthusiasm and long-term intention to work but do not quite understand, and have access to information of the number of their gold content, but also not known. In fact, the interview is a very difficult work, but people often do not need training and experience that can be qualified, candidates will be able to understand the real situation behind the interview. Comparing with no serious "homework" to the recruitment, the interview is rich in experience and make full preparations for the candidates Duida such as flow, since that would allow experienced staff the wrong impression of the interview, candidates were misled by the superficial. Some interviews will also appear embarrassed even confused the situation, a few hours of interviews Na Buzhun still down, the trip also seemed like not, in the end, do not even know that they asked so many questions in the end to what.
Through interviews of STAR (situation: Situation; task: goal; action: action; result: the results) can effectively test the authenticity of candidate discourse and the underlying information. One of the leading candidates on the issue caused a major case. For example, the ability of the inspection team can ask the following questions: on a practical examples to illustrate your team has the ability » At that time, the team goal is what » In your team What is the role of « You and other members of the team in the relationship between how » Please describe what your team is how to accomplish their tasks » How the results » The team completed its mission in the process of what you have done a contribution » And the other members of your team have any views in conflict situations, how do you overcome the » Do you think the team in the greatest difficulty is what » Through this team, you understand what is the largest .
According to the candidates to answer appropriate to ask, let candidates on key details of the process and conduct a detailed statement by the candidates to answer determine the underlying information. As a result of these issues, particularly the details of the questioning are random, and the layers of wire stripping out cocoon, Shuntengmogua, breaking casseroles asked in the end, the candidates can not be accurately forecast, can not be fully prepared in advance, only factual Answer to. This will greatly reduce the opportunities for candidates to lie, the real level of honesty and components will be reflected.
If the candidates have an ability to team work, done these things, I believe he will certainly talked a lot to bring the issue after a detailed, Yiwuyishi Experience clearly described. If the candidate is lying, may be a reasonable start, with the gradual deepening of the problem, then it may not be justified by.
The hardware requirements for qualified personnel are often much more clearly, such as: education, job title, professional, experience, English proficiency, and so on, recruitment is often easy to test check. And for insurance purposes, enterprises are often not on the high-low, Wallace will not need specialist, Dr. give up on the master's degree. But even so, in many cases, in strict accordance with the hardware requirements strokes entered the talent it is not very suitable for enterprises and even inappropriate, this is how the story .
This is mainly because, in preparation for a crucial details did not do: ignore the talents of the software conditions, such as: job competence, values, and so on. The staff of the hardware decision can not, the software determines the staff can do a good. Staff may have a lot of strong capabilities, but the competence of the key positions do not have the ability, still do not work. If the enterprises do not agree with the staff, the lack of passion for work, even if they received adequate training, have relevant experience, the performance is only average. These software requirements, enterprises are often ignored, in preparation for interviews, not only Human Resources was not clear, and personnel departments are also rather ambiguous.
Therefore, in the recruitment before the candidates must first be good at, "like painting." Recruitment must be clear what kind of talent, need what kind of values and key competence, and so on. The positions of the various "soft" requirements listed, and used to define job descriptions of staff to the level of demand. In this way, when can we do to recruit "few." Can effectively prevent candidates qualifications, experience and reputation of the impact on the selection, the more easily found potential. In accordance with the standards to recruitment, the probability of success will be greatly enhanced. As director of the Office, the reception outside the regular guests, coordinating various internal and external relations, handling emergencies, therefore, communication, coordination, flexibility has become the key to his competence.
Human resources management details of the process is a management process. Human resources in the import customs - candidates also reflected on the obvious.