
To work hard to pay!

To work hard to pay!

This sentence is the boss used to say, loves to talk about encouraging employees in the ordinary course of the phrase is no right or wrong, work hard, make a good performance, the boss will not ill-treated you can pay for promotion, and, of course, From the boss's point of view, then, employees from the point of view?

The staff is of the view that pay should be the first on the good work, if not, so at the current salary is not the driving force them. Moreover, the good work and then pay on the assumption that employees have to be invested, to pay first, the results do come out, the problem is that the results do come out, we will certainly get a better return on it? Suspended! What assurances can be sure there is time to correspond to the return of income? After all, companies have the final say is the boss, rules and standards to measure what are the boss arrested in the hands of that time as long as Huadianxinsi slightly, the whole point refused to delay payment or payment out of the grounds is also very very easy to come out, first of the so-called good Dry and then pay them, are flying in the sky Xianbing, unreliable.