
Company's total core objective

Company's total core objective

Decomposition of the company's total core objective is to find the key elements of strategic objectives to find the key support factors. Top-down system using the best method of thinking, start with the ultimate goal, identify the path to achieve what needs to do what specific things can we guarantee its implementation. At the same time ascertain the existing What is the biggest short-board, to overcome its ways and means what?

Find support elements called for the full, seek the greatest possible number of relevant factors, until exhausted so far. At the same time, not only to find out dominant factor, but also to identify its support behind the hidden elements, to identify their intrinsic association.

Business goals of the find after a number of support elements, according to the importance of sort. This decomposition of the overall goal to put a lot of content, such as: revenue growth, profit growth in the target market, and in order to create and maintain the manpower required for expected growth and investment and related hardware and software and supporting facilities, so as to form the company level Target system.

Take a company's overall objectives, in order to boost profits, the need to increase sales, and increase the amount of sales on the need to improve customer satisfaction, speed up enterprise product development cycle, and to do it, it must be related to customer information , Related support staff training, the new database and information system, and organizational structure, pay incentives, such as from organizations and mechanisms to achieve the target system to provide the ultimate protection. In this way, we can make use of various dimensions definition of decomposition of the strategic objectives of the enterprise (see table 1).

Through the objectives of the decomposition, the business sector not only have a clear goal and the business sector in its support functions from the goal of the company's total decomposition goal down. If profits on the strict requirements of the financial sector enterprises of various non-operating expenses, and improve the organizational processes, the establishment of enterprises pay incentive mechanism has become the most crucial task of human resources objectives.