
All targets must be quantified?

All targets must be quantified?

Design target is the core part of performance evaluation. However, many enterprises on how to design goals There is the understanding, with the result that an examination of the deviations and errors, or even a mere formality.

All targets must be quantified?

The goal of many enterprises design, Yanbi Chen "quantitative." In these enterprises, the enterprises of every task, we must have a clear digital standard, and it is easy assessment. In fact, all quantitative targets are unrealistic and do not quantify the ultimate goal of the design goals. We design objectives is to achieve the ultimate objective assessment and evaluation can be. "Quantitative" only purpose is to achieve such a method, there is a "measurable."

Generally speaking, the "quantitative" refers to the business sector, while the functions of working only through the transformation of indicators to quantify the achievement of objectives, such as: time, quantity, quality, cost, and so on.

Unable to quantify the work to achieve "measurable", mainly through the establishment of a clear evaluation criteria to achieve. Such work to deal with people, services, text type system, such as qualitative work, they are often unable to quantify with a simple evaluation of its inherent quality. At this time, we can work through the standards, a clear description of the work output and division level, so that people can distinguish good or bad quality of the results will be clear at a glance.

For example, a market research report, how to evaluate the results » Some people say that can be completed in time, to evaluate the frequency, but Xizhimojie are some things can not really evaluate its merits. If we make the following description, it is easy to distinguish between quality of work.

  1. comprehensive integrity and reasonable analysis in place, a feasibility proposal, but the proposed measures were adopted after the creation of a higher economic efficiency;
  2. comprehensive integrity, in place of reasonable, feasible proposal;
  3. comprehensive integrity, in line with the basic format requirements;
  4. lack of content, do not meet formal requirements.