
Enterprise assessment became formalism

Enterprise assessment became formalism

Zou Xingshi examination of a variety of reasons, from my contact with many enterprises, a key reason for the existence of fuzzy assessment is wrong or even understanding, leading to the unscientific practices and disappointing outcome. In fact, the integrity of the performance appraisal system should include: planning, process management, assessment rate and improve the performance of the four major areas. However, many enterprises, the concept of performance appraisal was artificially narrowed considerably, and only remain in the performance appraisal programme on the development and evaluation points. The lack of process management and performance improvement of two very key elements. Performance appraisal has become the lame to walk, resulting in performance appraisal was less than the desired effect.

Now many enterprises still remain in the examination table built early, late stage of assessment, early enterprise departments at all levels busy setting goals, scoring the end of vigorous examination, assessment Kougong Zi. Assessment is completed, no people are concerned about the examination, no one of the reasons for poor performance, no one on track for improved examination results. In the process of the implementation stage, how to staff, the staff how to solve problems, no one is Moren Guan asked. Only have to wait until the assessment, people rushed to fill in a form and rate忙活a while, in peacetime, assessment work has nothing to do with the matter. As can be improved and timely guidance, although this assessment done a lot of work, but did not enhance the performance of work, the problem still exists enterprises, the performance is still marking time, or even decline.