
Staff participation in the formulation of the system, self-management

Staff participation in the formulation of the system, self-management

1. Marked upgrade the status of staff. Modern enterprises, increasing the status of staff. The early industrial economy, the enterprises employed staff only, or even just be seen as working machines, and now many companies think that employees are the masters of enterprises. This upgrade the status of the one hand, enterprises initiated by the other employees wish to obtain. However, such changes should not be just lip service to talk about the matter, the staff is from the heart to become the masters of enterprises, this is not only a status of the increase, but also business-to-affirmed the value of its own staff. So let employees take part in the development of the system is of great benefit.

2. Development of the system in place to facilitate self-management. The previous system developed by the managers, but the actual line of work is bound to have some difficulty understanding less than managers, so developed a system to allow staff the frontline staff that managers do not understand the hardships, the system can not produce resistance . If we allow employees to participate in the formulation of the system, they can make all kinds of difficulties to embody the system to develop appropriate, the staff also facilitates self-management. In the development of the system, enterprises can to the staff of the questionnaire, or the establishment of a forum held by the staff of the Commission, understand the feelings of the staff of the system. Such a system developed to allow staff more receptive.