
Year-end assessment should be implemented management differences

Year-end assessment should be implemented management differences

Differences in management, not to speak in the year-end appraisal, design some special targets, a number of different forms. It means the end of the day-to-day assessment and evaluation to distinguish between design, outstanding assessment focus, strengthen the annual targets.

To identify the year-end evaluation and assessment content of the day-to-day focus .

Now many businesses have implemented a monthly or quarterly assessment, but the annual examination is still a very important evaluation cycle. Many enterprises in the year-end, the examination will focus on the year-end report on his work and comprehensive evaluation of the impression that such examination is obviously not comprehensive. Regardless of which one is the evaluation cycle, the operation and management of important business indicators should not be ignored, the annual examination and routine examination on this point there should be no difference between the two is the difference between the standard assessment is different. Year-end assessment of the work will focus on those who need a longer period to reflect the outcome of the work content. Corporate functions such as management system or a system would require the establishment of a longer cycle, the development of new products or trial production usually will not be completed soon. In addition many companies now beginning to staff competence assessment of competence in a short period of time is not going to happen big change, and therefore can competence as the annual examination of another important indicator.